Foundation Notes
Types of Donations

Membership (Recurring Giving)
Donor Advised Funds
Beneficiary Designations
Planned Giving

Real Estate
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Endowed Gifts
Charitable (Land) Trust
Wills and Living Trusts

Fundraising Module

Identify Outsource Team Enhancement Opportunities (ChatGPT Results)
Answer 'quantitative' questions for professional philanthropy advisors (scalability, social impact...)
Bridgespan, McKinsey Scott, Rockefellor Foundation...

In the beginning, the Rolfers community was a bunch of 'strange', unique, and passionate groups of Rolfers. As much as everyone was different, we were a community. I don't feel that now. I know that is what you are seeing. We need to create a passionate community. A few years ago, I did a training that Jonathan Fields created about how to create a movement. His process was simple and powerful. He had a few key steps that made perfect sense, that few people or organizations ever followed. One was finding an 'enemy' -- something to have people to rally against. It wasn't a person; it would have been some existential issue. For us, it might be -- how people blame their problems on finding the right drug or therapist, while the solution lies in changing their structure. (I don't like that, but I think you get the idea).

As we discussed, if we are to succeed, we need to upgrade the quality of the work. I don't blame the Rolfers for how the work deteriorated. I blame the RI, the teachers, the board, and those who had their own agendas. We have to craft a way to bring back the ethos of Rolfing. It seems like the ''old school Rolfing' has gotten a bad name. We need to flip it. We need to make the core of what Ida taught something Rolfers feel they need and are missing. One way to do that is to start highlighting Rolfers who do that work.

get back to building Rolfing as a unique profession

Ida used to say, don't study anything else for 5 years. It may not need to be that -- what it needs to be is Rolfer don't go off and study all these other therapies to do good work. What happens is 'the work' ends up being bad work. I look at some of the Rolfer's sites; it's like they compete for who has done more training. Much of that was set up by the teachers. We back up, and drop back down into the art of Rolfing.

I discovered from decades of Rolfing that 95% of good Rolfing is VERY simple. As with so many professions, teachers make it more complicated, so their egos and wallets are full.

-Owen Marcus


Arboreteum Model of Wish Lists Place Tax Id: on page Review Operations / Guide Recruit Estate Financial / Legal Team - Christie Larson (707-781-7411) Referrals

Initial review of Boulder Commmunity Foundation (website)
Sarah Harrison VP Programs Sarah Mikkelson (Project Coordinator)

Community Trust - General Operating Support - 8/24 Application Deadline Equity Funds - Open Door Fund (Veterans Equity Fund?) 9/24 Deadline DEI is a funding Priority (use to upgrade course materials?) Donor Advised is Possible

Search phrases for high net worth donors. These phrases could include:

"Impact-driven nonprofits"
"High-impact philanthropic opportunities"
"Socially responsible organizations"
"Effective philanthropy initiatives"
"Community development nonprofits"
"Sustainable social change organizations"
"Innovative charitable initiatives"
"Strategic philanthropic investments"
"Mission-driven nonprofits"
"Philanthropic opportunities with measurable outcomes"
"Social justice-focused nonprofits"
"Nonprofits addressing systemic challenges"
"Charities with proven track records"
"Evidence-based philanthropy opportunities"
"Organizations with scalable impact models"

"Philanthropic giving opportunities"
"Charitable donations for high net worth individuals"
"Impactful philanthropy initiatives"
"Exclusive charity events for high net worth donors"
"Strategic philanthropic investments"
"Tailored philanthropic solutions"
"High impact giving strategies"
"VIP donor experiences"
"Legacy giving options"
"Private philanthropy opportunities"

These search phrases reflect a focus on effectiveness, impact, scalability, and alignment with the donor's philanthropic goals. Advisors typically seek out organizations that can demonstrate measurable outcomes, strategic approaches to social change, and potential for transformative impact.

list 30 foundations that advocate for integrative medicine or alternative healthcare and the seo keyword phrases they use in fundraising campaigns

Institute for Functional Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "functional medicine approach", "integrative health solutions", "holistic wellness support"
American Holistic Health Association - SEO keyword phrases: "holistic healing methods", "natural health resources", "complementary therapies"
Integrative Medicine for the Underserved - SEO keyword phrases: "access to integrative care", "underserved populations health", "integrative medicine advocacy"
Center for Integrative Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare services", "alternative medicine options", "holistic wellness center"
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health - SEO keyword phrases: "research on alternative medicine", "integrative health studies", "complementary therapies research"
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health education", "holistic healing training", "integrative medicine conferences"
Samueli Integrative Health Programs - SEO keyword phrases: "mind-body healing approaches", "integrative wellness strategies", "holistic health solutions"
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "Andrew Weil integrative medicine", "holistic health clinic", "integrative medicine training"
Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "Arizona integrative healthcare", "holistic medicine programs", "integrative health coaching"
Bastyr University - SEO keyword phrases: "Bastyr integrative medicine", "naturopathic healthcare", "holistic health education"
University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine - SEO keyword phrases: "U of A integrative medicine", "integrative health research", "holistic healing programs"
Integrative Medicine & Health Research - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine studies", "complementary therapies research", "evidence-based alternative medicine"
Integrative Health and Wellness - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative wellness center", "holistic health services", "mind-body healing approaches"
The Bravewell Collaborative - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare initiatives", "holistic healing advocacy", "integrative medicine grants"
Integrative Medicine Institute - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine training", "holistic health courses", "complementary therapies education"
Institute of Integrative Health - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health research", "community wellness programs", "holistic healthcare advocacy"
Integrative Medicine Center - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare clinic", "alternative medicine treatments", "holistic healing center"
Integrative Health Partners - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine network", "holistic healthcare collaboration", "complementary therapies alliance"
Integrative Health Institute - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health services", "holistic wellness center", "mind-body healing therapies"
Integrative Medicine Foundation - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine advocacy", "alternative healthcare support", "holistic healing grants"
Center for Integrative Healing - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health practitioners", "holistic wellness services", "complementary therapies center"
Integrative Health Education - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine courses", "holistic health training", "complementary therapies workshops"
Integrative Wellness Center - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare facility", "holistic healing programs", "alternative medicine services"
Integrative Health Solutions - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine solutions", "holistic wellness strategies", "complementary therapies options"
Integrative Medicine Foundation - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare advocacy", "holistic healing initiatives", "complementary therapies grants"
Integrative Health Resources - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine resources", "holistic health information", "alternative healthcare support"
Integrative Wellness Institute - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health education", "holistic healing center", "complementary therapies training"
Integrative Health Partnerships - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative healthcare collaborations", "holistic health alliances", "complementary therapies networks"
Center for Integrative Healing Arts - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative health practitioners", "holistic wellness center", "alternative medicine therapies"
Integrative Health Network - SEO keyword phrases: "integrative medicine community", "holistic health network", "complementary therapies group"

The American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA)
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
The Integrative Healthcare Policy Consortium (IHPC)
The Chopra Foundation
The Holistic Health Research Foundation of Canada
The Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health
The Bastyr University Research Institute
The Integrative Medicine & Health Research Program at Mayo Clinic
The Georgetown University Integrative Medicine Program
The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
The Institute for Health & Healing
The Center for Integrative Health and Wellness at Ohio State University
The University of California, San Francisco Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
The University of Miami Integrative Medicine Program
The University of New Mexico Center for Life
The Vanderbilt University Integrative Health Program
The Integrative Medicine Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Integrative Medicine Program
The Duke Integrative Medicine Center
The Mount Sinai Integrative Medicine Program
The Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
The Harvard Medical School Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
The Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine

Grant Writing