Learn about our Alumni Association and new opportunities to enjoy and support the DIRI community.
Volunteer in our clinics and support our educational mission. We contribute to the health and well being of the region's community.
Please support the foundation's efforts to provide tuition assistance and to increase the public's awareness of Rolfing®.
Have you experienced Rolfing? Help spread the word – give a testimonial. Support the school that trains Rolfers®
We envision a world in which one's personal experience of their human body is a primary facet of health and well-being. Our Mission is to provide high quality education and promote research to advance Rolfing ™ Structural Integration and Rolf Movement Integration - our proprietary methods for optimizing human alignment within the force of gravity.
The DIRI Foundation has been formed to support the Institute, its members and distinguished alumni. Our new Alumni Association will provide marketing business operations support to practicing Rolfers. Furthermore, we will pursue the traditional goals of creating community, supporting the mentoring of new students, and strategic fundraising.