Inspired by our first million dollar legacy pledge, the institute is forming a foundation whose mission is to provide student tuition assistance and to increase the public awareness of Rolfing. It is a longer term goal to build an endowment for the school. This endowment will ensure financial stability and the funds for future growth.
Under the leadership of a new director of development, we are building a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. We are currently enhancing our website and social media campaigns to attract the next generation of students to embody Ida Rolf's legacy. We are implementing new marketing campaigns focused on the idea one must "Experience Rolfing" to appreciate and understand its importance. New interactive content and corrected technical deficiences will / is already sending more clients to our member websites.
Of the more than 4000 living Rolf Institute alumni, fewer than 1000 are active member
Rolfers. Our current staff and resources are allocated to operate the school and
licensees (members). Few resources have been available to devote to the larger
community. After thoughtful consideration of these facts, the Institute Board of
Directors decided to authorize and empower an alumni association. Policy is being
established to support the new Alumni Association. The
association’s volunteers, eventual staff and resources will focus on creating
mutually beneficial, lifelong connections to the institute, to promote the welfare
of alumni, and to promote the work of Rolfing and Structural Integration to
the public and related health professions.
NOTE: License fees are still required to access benefits like the FIND A ROLFER
directory and use of the trademark Rolfing®
which designates the Rolf Institute’s brand of structural integration, the
discipline developed
by the late Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D. While the Rolf Institute is Dr. Rolf’s original
school of structural
integration, it is now one of many schools, many of which were founded by DIRI
alumni. Only members of the Rolf
Institute, are licensed to use its service marks. To learn more or to become a
licensee, click here [needs
A small development team can only do so much. We need alumni to partner with us to help build public awareness of rolfing. With some simple steps we can raise what Google calls topical authority....
The DIRI community has always been a vibrant supporter of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute!
According to our latest membership survey, 59% of alumni are willing to mentor a Rolfer and 32% are willing to sponsor or participate in a Rolfing Study Groups and Events. These statistics speak to our sense of community. It is a priority of the new Foundation to build on that strength.
A great way to help us is to please add a Google Review to rate your education at DIRI. We need to educate Google about the benefits of Rolfing SI!
The development team already consists of representatives from all DIRI stakeholders including board members, faculty, staff, Alumni, contractors and volunteers. We are working together online using a tool named Slack.
Slack is a chat-based collaboration tool that emphasizes communication
In time a Steering Committee will form a board to represent Alumni interests. These steps will create a fully inclusive and supportive DIRI community. Please contact with questions, to join Slack or to volunteer.