The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Foundation Mission

The Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Foundation raises the necessary private funding to support the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in providing outstanding training in Rolfing ™ Finincacial backing provides support to offer a degree program in structural integration, expansion of the education to talented bodyworkers on satellite campuses as well as the headquarters in Boulder, CO.

Through outright gifts, pledges, and deferred giving, the Foundation raises critical funds for scholarships, faculty positions, academic programs, new buildings, student and faculty research and travel, the Structual Integration Journal and associated reasearch, and endowments, with more than one million in private funds raised since 2023.

High Impact Donors support Dr. Ida Rolf Institute.

DIRI Foundation Fact Sheet

Mission: text here


Measurable Outcomes

Evaluation Collaboration and Partnerships


To download the pdf, click here.